God the Creator |
God created the heaven and the earth |
ELOHIM God the Creator
In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gen.1:1). Our God is the Creator
of the heavens and the earth. He is the Creator-God i.e. ELOHIM in Hebrew language.
He created every thing through His Word, i.e. Christ (John 1:3).
Have you suffered a grievous and unbearable
loss in your life? Has the Devil stolen from you the good things like joy in
your married life or your health or your wealth? Have you been in the furnace
of afflictions for a very long time, losing all your faith in our Lord?
The Lord now wants you not to remember the former things nor consider the things of old. The things that existed till yesterday are the former things or the things of old. You should not remember them today. Because the Lord is going
to do a new thing today. NOW (as you read this message) IT SHALL SPRING FORTH (Isaiah 43:15-21). He is going to create something
new in your life because He is ELOHIM.
He reveals Himself to you as the Lord, your
Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King (Is.43:15). As the Creator of Israel,
He creates absolutely new things which you have neither seen nor heard since the beginning of this world (Isaiah 64:4). This promise is meant for His chosen people.
He is your King, seated on a high throne above the worldly and the devilish kingdoms.
In the 37th chapter of the prophetic
book of Ezekiel, God commanded Ezekiel to prophesy unto the dry bones (Verse 4). As soon as Ezekiel prophesied unto the dry
bones, the work of creation began in the dry bones with the result breath came into them, and
they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceedingly great army (Verse 10). The Holy Spirit commands you to prophesy
upon these bones and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. These days, we attach little importance to the gift of prophecy or the ministry of
prophets. Less emphasis is laid on the gift of prophecy, whereas undue emphasis
is laid on the gift of tongues as in the days of the Corinthian Church. Please
note prophecy is as important as prayer. Prophecy can be distinguished from prayer. A prayer proceeds from man to God, whereas a prophecy proceeds from a holy man of
God to another man or a people or a kingdom or a nation including animate and inanimate things as he is moved by the Holy
Ghost (II Pet.1: 21).
An inanimate thing has the ear to hear the word of the Lord. For instance,
the wind hears His Word and obeys Him (Mark 4:39). When you utter the word of
God and command in Jesus Name, the inanimate things or the natural forces as moved by the Holy Ghost, will obey you. Please
read Matt.21:19-22. Jesus said, If ye have faith,
and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou
removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. A prayer
conveys mans words, whereas a prophecy conveys Gods words. Prophecy is more important
than any other human effort in reviving either backsliding children of God or dead souls. A word of prophecy creates something
Prophecy can change the course of history of a church or a nation. Prophecy
can also bring about divine judgment and can cause the rise or the fall of a kingdom. Jesus spoke the words of prophecy to
Jerusalem in Matt.23: 37-39 and accordingly the judgment of God devoured Jerusalem in A.D.70 through Roman destruction. A word of mouth from a holy prophet can either create or destroy a thing.
Be discreet in prophesying unto the people. Do not openly or directly address them as dry bones as this would lead to misunderstanding
amongst the hearers. Be careful. You
have to prophesy unto the dry-bones, not to the hearing of the bodily ear. As
you are about to preach or intercede in prayers for others, you may speak the words of prophecy silently so that the spiritual
ears and not the physical ears may hear them.
As you prophesy
in Jesus Name, the Creator-God ELOHIM creates a new thing in your life.
The Lord spoke to Moses,
saying, Speak also to the children of Israel, saying: Surely
My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I AM THE
LORD WHO SANCTIFIES YOU i.e. Jehovah Mekkadishkem in Hebrew language (Ex.31: 13).
According to Gods commandment, the children of Israel should keep the Sabbath for it was holy to them. Accordingly, they should work for six days but the seventh was the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever did any work on this day, he should surely be put to death. (Ex.31: 13-17).
For the children of Israel,
Sabbath was a special day of holiness on which they were not supposed to work. For
the Christians, we have to observe Sabbath in our daily life. It is not a holy
day but a holy life to be lived minute by minute with the help of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
We, the spiritual children of Abraham, are different from the children of Israel in flesh. As you live a life completely
dependent on Christ, trusting His power to deliver you from the sin through His grace, He sanctifies you. On your own strength, you cannot lead a holy life. Daily you should go to His Cross for sanctification. You should confess, I
have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now life in the
flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me and gave Himself for me (Gal.2: 20). Allowing Christ to live
in our crucified flesh is sanctification under the New Testament. The Cross of our Lord Jesus is a sign between God and us
The children of Israel could
not lead a victorious life. But we can lead a victorious life because we are
more than conquerors in Christ Jesus (Rom.8: 37). Under the New Covenant, God gives us His abundant grace to overcome sin
through the indwelling Holy Spirit. The law was given through Moses, but grace
and truth came through Jesus Christ (John 1:16-17).
revealed to us through Christ Jesus Who sanctifies us. Are you not able to lead an overcoming life today? Allow Christ to live in your crucified flesh. Surrender your
life completely to the dominion of the Holy Spirit.
Until the day break and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like
a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether cries the bride unto her
absent bridegroom in verse 17 of Chapter 2 of the Song of Songs.
The bridegroom has temporarily withdrawn his
presence from the bride. She is not able to feel his presence. The night is at hand. Bether spiritually means separation. Being affrighted
of the fast approaching night, she entreats her beloved who has gone over the other side of the mountains of Bether which separate them, to return to her before the day breaks and the
shadows flee away. She desires him to be as swift as a roe or a young hart. At
times, you may not feel the presence of God because mountain-like-insurmountable problems or temptations assail you. And you
would only see the mountains everywhere. Your despondent heart may fail you. You may be tossed here and there due to the severity
of the problems or the temptations. Oh, you hardly feel His presence, wondering whether Jesus has really forsaken you. Your
fear about tomorrow casts a shadow of darkness around you, and you are in the grip of fear. The cloud of darkness is about
to overshadow you. Your faith in Him becomes almost dead. O beloved bride, why cant your eyes of faith stretch a little far
behind the mountains? Your beloved Shepherd is waiting anxiously on the other side of the mountains, hearing your heart cries
and even your heart beats.
His lofty love jumps high over the mountains,
however tall these may be. His arrow like love penetrates the rocky mountains, however tall these may be. Corrie Ten Bom of
Holland was imprisoned along with her father and her sister in the Nazis concentration camps during the Second World War just
because they sheltered the persecuted Jews in their house. She subsequently lost her father and sister in the prisons. Oh,
the prison walls and the pangs of separation from her kiths and kins stood like the mountains of despair and despondency,
making her doubt the very existence of God. But the arrow-like-love of Jesus penetrated these rocky mountains and reached
her in her solitude.
The Bridegroom, though hearing your heart
cries and heartbeats, wants you to open your mouth and to call unto him. Dear bride, dont be disheartened over the constant
existence of mountains in your life today. Tomorrow these mountains will surely melt away. Notwithstanding such mountains,
you must rejoice over the fact that your Shepherd is hearing all your heart cries and heartbeats and that His omnipotent and
penetrating love is reaching you. You must crave His presence before the daybreak. On hearing your call of distress, He would
make you feel His presence before the onset of the dreaded night. You would feel His abiding presence as He manifests His
glory through the Word. His Word would drive away the clouds of darkness caused by your fear and unfaith.
In the night I dreamed that I sought for the one whom I love. She said, I looked
for him but could not find him, says the bride, in verse 1 of Chapter 3, who
still feels the absence of her shepherd despite her entreaties to him in the preceding verse of chapter 2.
At times, in spite of your craving of His
presence, He still hides Himself, and the dreaded night ultimately overshadows you. It looks as if He has disappointed you
by allowing the shadows of darkness over your life. He tarries. You become desperate in the night, with fear and unfaith blinding
your spiritual eyes as the Devil of the night whispers into your ears, Jesus does not love you now. He has failed to keep His promises and you have waited
for a long time. The disheartened bride of the Song of Songs finds herself in
a dream world. In the night dream, she seeks for the one whom she loves. Though she looks for him, yet she cannot find him.
What a pity! She is disappointed even in the dream.
Some children of God nowadays claim to have
seen Christ in dreams and visions. Such supernatural experiences might have strengthened their faith but not all the children
of God have had such an experience. No doubt, some disheartened people like the bride of Song of Songs may yearn after such
dreams and visions. Having lost their faith in his Word, they are driven to despair, seeking desperately such supernatural
experiences with God. Alas! They have not experienced such divine encounters despite their seeking them.
Dear bride of Christ,
even if you have not experienced any such dream or vision, dont say, I could not find Him. Here what matters is your love for the One Who had redeemed you by His precious Blood, and
not your desire to have His vision. No doubt, Christ Jesus loves you.