The wife
of Mr.A.T.Alexander is Pankajam Alexander. He has two daughters, namely, Alvina
Job and Yasmin Benjamin, and one son, namely, A.T.Abraham. He has one brother,
namely, A.T.Dante, who retired as Additional Legal Adviser, CBI, Govt. of India in 1990.
brought up his children in the fear of God and used to lead the entire family in daily devotions by prayers and by meditation
of the Bible.
meditating on the Bible, Mr.Alexander had collected certain redemptive Names of God, over a long period of time. He wrote all these names on a paper and passed on a copy of this paper to his children. After his entering into glory, this paper fell into my hands. The
Holy Spirit inspired me to meditate on these Names of God. As I began to meditate,
the Holy Spirit gave me wonderful messages. I have since published twenty messages
on such redemptive Names of God in my Web-Site. Some messages were published
in some Christian web-sites of Canada and USA. I
have also published a book titled "Redemptive Names of God" through a Christian publisher in Delhi, India.
As you
read these messages prayerfully, the Lord will do great things in your life and will reveal Himself to you in a special way. For reading these messages, please click the links
at the top.
Job Anbalagan